Volcan Masaya, Nicaragua, Central America, Sulfer Dioxide, active, national park


Volcán Masaya is the centerpiece of a dramatic national park. The first in Nicaragua, the park is dominated by the calderas and craters of the Masaya volcano. Evidence of recent eruptions abound with lava flows readily apparent. Masaya continues to emit large clouds of sulfur dioxide gas. You can walk right up to the edge of the crater, but it is difficult to see anything within, the clouds of noxious gas obscuring your view, and making it uncomfortable to hang out hoping for a better view.

The City of Masaya is well known for its main market, with handwoven hammocks, wood carvings, and embroidery. We happened to hit it on an off day when many of the merchants were closed.

It is also a good jumping off point for a day or overnight trip to Reserva Natural Laguna de Apoyo.

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