Baku, Oil, Azerbaijan, Persian, Turkic, Azeri, Azerbaijani, Caspian Sea, Market, Mosque, Zoroastrian, Fire


Viewable from everywhere in charming Baku, the flames rise above the city. The ever-present modern Flame Towers are a symbol of the waterfront city. The flames are a tribute to the fire worshiped in the still practiced, ancient Zoroastrian religion, and to the rich oil region, which powers the city. Luxury cars and apartments are everywhere in the city center. Museums, theatres, and other cultural attractions are readily available. Parks are integrated into much of Baku. Wide-open walking plazas, large monuments, and fountains are found throughout Baku. Children play in public playgrounds. Families, couples, and friends walk together. Men with men, arms around each other’s shoulders, women talking together, arms interlinked or walking hand and hand. Restaurants, tea houses, and bars abound, with a large emphasis on food, tea, and sharing time together. It is a high context society, with lots of social etiquettes, such as the offering of tea. You should politely decline until offered again (and again.) It is very charming, though it can be a bit exhausting until you relax and go with the flow. Typically as fast-paced Westerners, we accept people’s first word, which may not be considered polite. But smile a lot, say please, thank you, and in Azeri Salam, for Hello, with your hand to your heart, and most social blunders are quickly forgiven.

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